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Fruits name in Odia and English

Fruits Name in Odia to English

All Fruits(including dry fruits) name in Odia and English

Benefits of eating fruits

From enhancing beauty to preventing sugar, these are the benefits of eating fruits Fruits are an important part of our healthy diet. It is low in calories and full of energy. But eating it on an empty stomach affects the delicate membranes of the stomach, which can spoil your digestive system. Many types of vitamins, minerals, etc. are found in fruits, which are very important to stay healthy. Apple- Apple is one of the most popular and nutritionally rich fruits. It contains high amounts of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K and vitamin B.

ଓଡିଆ ଏବଂ ଇଂରାଜୀରେ ଫଳର ନାମ 

The names of all the Indian fruits are mentioned here in both English and Odia. Sometimes we don't know what the Odia name of the fruit is called in English or vice versa. The fruits are very beneficial for our health, as these are the source of vitamins and minerals. So let's find out what the names of all the fruits say in both English and Odia
fruits name in odia and english

Fruits Name in English to Odia

  1. almond➤ବାଦାମ-badam
  2. shaddock➤ବାତାପି-batapi
  3. pine apple➤ସପୁରୀ-sapuri
  4. lemon➤ଲେମ୍ବୁ lembu
  5. lichi ➤ଲିଚୁ-lichu
  6. pear➤ନାସପାତି naspati
  7. green coconut➤ପଇଡ-paida
  8. jack-fruit ➤ପଣସ-panasa
  9. guava➤ପିଜୁଳି- pijuli
  10. peach➤ପୀଚ୍ ଫଳ-pich fala
  11. pistachio➤ପେସ୍ତା-pista
  12. melon➤ଫୁଟି-futi
  13. jujube➤ବରକୋଳି-barakoli
  14. water melon➤ତରଭୁଜ-tarbhuja
  15. palm fruit➤ତାଳ-tala
  16. tamarind➤ତେନ୍ତୁଳି-tentuli
  17. clearing nut➤ ନିର୍ମଳା ଫଳ nirmala fala
  18. coconut / coconut➤ନଡିଆ-nadia
  19. carrot➤ଗାଜର-gajar
  20. betelnut➤ଗୁଆ-gua
  21. olive➤ଜଳପାଇ-jalapai
  22. black plum➤ଜାମୁକୋଳି-jamukoli
  23. star apple➤ଜାମୁରୋଳ-jamurola
  24. pomegranate➤ଡାଳିମ୍ୱ-dalimba
  25. fig➤ଡିମିରି-dimiri
  26. banana➤ ପାଚିଲା କଦଳୀ-pachila kadali
  27. Star fruit (carambola)➤କରମଙ୍ଗା-karamanga
  28. cucumber➤କାକୁଡି-kakudi
  29. gherkin➤କସିକାକୁଡି- kasikakudi
  30. raisin➤କିସମିସ୍ kismis
  31. plum➤କୋଳି-koli
  32. date➤ଖଜୁରୀ-khajuri
  33. musk melon➤ଖରଭୁଜ-kharbhuj
  34. hog plum➤ଆମ୍ୱଡା-ambada
  35. walnut➤ ଆଖରୋଟ୍ -akharot
  36. sugar cane➤ଆଖୁ-aakhu
  37. orange➤ କମଳା-kamalaa
  38. wood apple➤କଇଁଥ kaithaw
  39. plantain➤କଦଳୀ-kadali
  40. fruit skin➤ଫଳ ଚୋପା-phalaw chopa
  41. bounch➤ଫଳ ପେନ୍ଥା-phalaw pentha
  42. grape➤ଅଙ୍ଗୁର- angur
  43. papaya➤ ଅମୃତ ଭଣ୍ଡା-amruta bhanda
  44. mango➤ ଆମ୍ୱ- amba
  45. apple➤ସେଓ-seo
  46. custard apple➤ଆତ,ସୀତା ଫଳ  -aataw,sita fala (phala )
  47. avocado➤ଆଭୋକାଡୋ -ନାସପାତି ଜାତୀୟ ଫଳ -pear shaped tropical fruit 
  48. kiwi➤ଏକ ଆରୋହୀ ଉଦ୍ଭିଦ ର ଶାଗୁଆ ରସାଳ ଫଳ -green fleshed fruit of a climbing plant
  49. Elephant apple➤ଓଉ -Dillenia indica-ou 
  50. Sweet lemon or sweet lime➤ କାନ୍ଧିଆ Kandhia citrus fruit 
  51. Dragon fruit ➤ଡ୍ରାଗନ ଫଳ (ଭାରତରେ ଏବେ ଏହି ଫଳଟିକୁ କମଲମ କୁହା ଯାଉଛି)  
  52. Durian➤ଡୁରିଆନ 
  53. Cherry ➤ଚେରି କୋଳି cheri koli 
  54. Goose berry ➤ଅଁଳା Amla anla 
  55. Apricot ➤ଆପ୍ରିକଟ 
  56. Blue berry ➤ନୀଳ ଜାମୁକୋଳି nila jamukoli 
  57. Cashew apple ➤ଲଙ୍କା ଆମ୍ବ (ଭାଲିଆ)-lanka amba 
  58. Green apple ➤ସବୁଜ ସେଓ -sabuja seo 
  59. Manila tamarind ➤ସୀମା କଇଁଆ seema kainya 
  60. Kadamba fruit ➤kadamba ଫଳ 
  61. spanish cherry ➤ବଉଳ (maulsari in  hindi )
  62. starwberry ➤ଷ୍ଟ୍ରବେରୀ 

fruits name in english to odia

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